• things to do in namibia

Discover the Namibian veld’s wealth of fauna and flora with one of the many activities on Kanambo

Hunting is certainly not the only reason to visit Kanambo. The wilderness surrounding the farm is home to an incredible variety of animal and bird species that we would love to show you through the many activities we offer.

Game Drives and Safaris

We’d love to take you on a game drive to local watering holes or to a hide where you can observe the animals up close. In addition to raised platforms, we also have recessed hides, from which some incredible ground-level photography has been taken in the past.

Horse riding through the veld

In addition to sheep, cattle and the local game, Kanambo is home to 4 horses. Horseback riding through the bush is a favourite with visitors, so booking in advance is required. The standard party consists of four people and one guide, but we would be happy to try and accommodate your individual requirements.

Bird watching

Namibia is a bird-lover’s paradise, hosting a total of 706 different bird species, one of which is endemic, 14 near-endemic, and 35 rare. The broad wilderness expanse of Kanambo and adjoining Kalkveld Conservancy make for an ideal habitat for many of these species, which are a joy to see and discover. When staying at Kanambo, you’ll also have the unparalleled local knowledge of your host, Peter Beckers, who is more than happy to share what he knows about local birds with guests.

Trail walking & hiking

Numerous trails of varying length crisscross the farm, and just next door the Eisenberge offers a great hiking opportunity and some breathtaking views of the farm.

Rock climbing

Part of Kanambo, the Eisenberge offer great hiking, bouldering and rock climbing opportunities, including an almost sheer cliff 150 meters (492 ft) high. If you’re interested in attempting a climb, please let us know in advance. We are considering offering rock climbing as a standard activity on the farm if there is sufficient interest from guests.

Camera hunting/ Photo safari

If you’d like to get the full hunting experience without the guns, we are happy to take guests on a photographic safari. Choose from any of our hunting options, sling a camera over your shoulder and we’ll try and get you as close as possible to your subject as if in an actual hunt. You might even come away with the shot of a lifetime.