• free ranging hunting namibia

Hunting at Kanambo

Its wild, free ranging game, and sheer remoteness make Kanambo an unforgettable hunting experience. Kanambo offers hunting packages all year round. High season runs from April to November during the dry season, while the rainy season during February and March offers an additional challenge to hunters and game enthusiasts. No hunting is permitted during December and January. Kanambo adheres to a philosophy of sustainability in both its hunting and farming practices.

Meet Dolf, your professional hunting guide

When you hunt at Kanambo, you’ll be in the expert hands of Dolf Potgieter. Dolf is a professional hunting guide (and occasional farmer) with 13 years of experience in guiding and leading hunting parties through Namibia’s semi-arid veld. He’s an outdoors man through and through and is never more content than when he is making his way through the bush, rifle on his shoulder. In recent years he has become a sought-after hunting guide, and we regularly have guests who request him because of the unparalleled hunting experience he facilitates.

Types of hunt offered

Kanambo offers 1-on-1 hunts (just Dolf and you), 1-on-2 hunts, as well as a buddy hunt format of 2-on-4 (2 guides and 4 guests). Observers are also welcome.

View types of hunt offered

Huntable Game (contact us for prices)

Jackal Baboon Steinbuck
Duiker Warthog Hartebeest
Oryx / Gemsbuck Springbuck Blesbuck
Impala Caracal Blue Wildebeest
Black Wildebeest Kudu Giraffe
Cheetah Waterbuck Hartmann’s Zebra
Burchell’s Zebra Eland Bull Eland Cow
Damara Dik-Dik    

Upon request only (contact us for prices)

Hunting of the following animals is restricted.  Booking with advance notice is recommended.

Sable Nyala Roan Klipspringer Spotted and Brown Hienna

Leopard hunt (contact us for prices)

Leopard hunts are restricted to 150 a year in the whole of Namibia and so require more planning than usual. A leopard hunt at Kanambo must be booked for a minimum of 10 days, and success is not guaranteed. Leopards are highly intelligent and often successfully evade hunters. Booking with at least one year in advance notice is recommended.