• bushveld accommodation Hunting lodge namibia

Kanambo, the "place next door"

Kanambo is a working farm set on 16,000 hectares (close to 40,000 acres) in the Otjiwarongo region of Northern Namibia. It borders on and forms part of the larger Kalkfeld Conservancy, which means the farm shares wild, free-roaming herds of game with a natural wilderness approximately 420,000 hectares in size (1,037 million acres) – 25% bigger than the state of Rhode Island in the United States, and only 12% smaller than the state of Bremen in Germany.

The vast expanse of protected land surrounding the farm makes it ideal for hunters, photographers and wildlife enthusiasts who would like to experience one of Africa’s remote wilderness areas.

The Farm

'Kanambo' means 'the place next door' in local Herero language, so-called because it is next door to the small settlement of Kalkfeld. Today it is a working cattle farm with about 1,300 head, as well as a small herd of sheep. The farm itself is off the grid and is self-sufficient in terms of both water and electricity, with much of its needs coming from the vegetable garden, the small herd of sheep, and game hunting. The nearest supermarket is over 80 kilometres (50 miles) away.

The Beckers Family

Kanambo was founded in the early 20th century by German geologist Peter Paul Beckers, a prospector who had struck iron ore in the mountains where today our hunting camp is located. The amount of ore was not enough to sustain mining operations, however, and Kanambo was turned into a cattle farm. The legacy of Peter Paul’s prospecting remains today in the name of the mountains, which are called the Eisenberg or ‘iron mountains’. His legacy also lives on in his grandchildren and great grandchildren who still run the farm today.

Kanambo Today

The Beckers family continued farming Kanambo and today Peter Paul’s great grandsons Heiko and Peter Clifford Beckers, both successful engineers, have re-opened Kanambo to hunters and game enthusiasts from all over the world, while keeping its off-the-grid charm and remoteness. As part of the vast Kalkfeld Conservancy, it is today one of the best hunting destinations in Namibia, and one of the increasingly few places where hunters can track and stalk free-roaming game.

If you would like to plan a trip to Kanambo, please contact us, or find out more about our accommodation and guided hunting options.