• best hunting in namibia

Types of hunt offered

Kanambo offers 1-on-1 hunts (just Dolf and you), 1-on-2 hunts, as well as a buddy hunt format of 2-on-4 (2 guides and 4 guests). Observers are also welcome.

Stalking/ hunting by foot

The most demanding form of hunt, you can choose to set out from the farm itself, or drive to a more remote location and then continue your hunt on foot.

Spot and stalk

The farm has several hides as well as elevated platforms, helping you spot game from a distance and reducing the amount of time spent stalking before you sight your quarry.

Hunting from a hide

Patience is integral to hunting, and for those prepared to exercise theirs for the right reward, Kanambo offers both permanent and mobile hides from which to spot game.

Camera hunt / Photo safari

If you would like to have the full hunting experience with your camera instead of a rifle, Dolf is also happy to guide photographers and wildlife enthusiasts as if on a hunt, but with great photography as your trophy.

Preparing the meat

If you would like to eat and/or prepare any game, complete meat preparation facilities are available on the farm. We also make traditional forms of cured and dried meat, including biltong and droëwors.

Huntable Game

It’s wild, free-ranging game, and sheer remoteness make Kanambo an unforgettable hunting experience.Kanambo offers hunting packages all year round. See our huntable game on offer.